Saturday, March 31, 2012

My stupid Animorphs figures part 1

We all knew it would come to this. Quite possibly the worst execution of a toy line since The Boxcar Kids Nerf Guns. I give you:
First off, I am a huge Animorphs fan. I have every book. I have multiple copies of some books. And I have all seven different covers of Megamorphs number 2. (there was one for all six members of the team and with all of them together.)
I have a problem.
So there will be lots of references to the books in this post. If you want to know more about the series, I would recommend Poparenas Opinionated Animorphs Book Guide videos. He does a great job on them and points out a lot of things I missed when I read the books.
Now onto the toys.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Another year, another wish

All right. It's my birthday, I have a cake, Rocky isn't around, and I'm wearing shades.
Time to make a wish. Maybe I'll finally get that pony.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

My stupid Spider-Man figures

Well let's get back in the swing of things with an old favorite, dumb action figures! And it looks like Hasbro is in the middle of turning Spider-Man into the same type of crazy over the top lunatic as Action Figure Batman. Hasbro, I love ya, but...  please just think about the implications your toys may have. Please.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy New Valenbowlgroundmas Day!

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been posting. I could make a joke about doing a SOPA blackout and not getting the memo that it was over, but no. No excuses. I got lazy. Combine that with a small case of post holiday depression and Skyrim and you the perfect storm of no updates. But I'm back. And this includes Chicken Sketches (Boy that was a good idea. Start a second blog when I can't even keep this one on a regular schedule.). I'll have a 'REAL' new post by the end of the week.
Till then, from all of us
To all of you, I hope you had a great Christmas though now.
And remember, if your valentine see there shadow, it means six more weeks of football.
I think. I'm not sure how that works.
Till next time, I'm Dollar Ben, and I owe you about 48 cents.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

My stupid Disney figures.

Hey Cluckers. I'm back mostly on schedule. Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving and safe Black Friday. I decided to get over this stupid writers block by going to an old favorite: Dumb Action Figures! As both a Disney fan and professional Californian, I have frequented the parks many times. And have walked away with the odd (in more ways then one) souvenir. So today I give you one the weirdest and most obscure sets of toys I own.
I give to you:
Disney Tronics: GvE!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Disney and the mystical spheres.

Hey cluckers. Thought I had left huh? Well I hate to disappoint you, but I'm still here!
And since it's Halloween, I thought I would talk about  an old candy product from my childhood.
A chocolate shell around an inedible plastic ball with smaller pieces of plastic inside? 
What could go wrong with that?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My stupid G.I. Joe figures

Hey cluckers. It's been a while since I made a proper post here. Well this one is a bit shorter then the others, but it is better then nothing. I hope. I don't really collect G.I. Joes for the most part, but I have found a few that spark my interest. Mostly because they are weird. So let's take a look at some real American zeros.