Saturday, March 31, 2012

My stupid Animorphs figures part 1

We all knew it would come to this. Quite possibly the worst execution of a toy line since The Boxcar Kids Nerf Guns. I give you:
First off, I am a huge Animorphs fan. I have every book. I have multiple copies of some books. And I have all seven different covers of Megamorphs number 2. (there was one for all six members of the team and with all of them together.)
I have a problem.
So there will be lots of references to the books in this post. If you want to know more about the series, I would recommend Poparenas Opinionated Animorphs Book Guide videos. He does a great job on them and points out a lot of things I missed when I read the books.
Now onto the toys.

As I said, these really are Transformers. Which means I am once again raking Hasbro over the coals. I will reapeat, I like Hasbro. But when they pitch it underhand, I am going to hit it out of the park.

First up, leader of the team, Jake
And right off the bat we see our first major problem.
Can you say kibble boys and girls?
This is just ugly. He has a tiger head hanging off his shoulders!
Oh, and he has a half-morph head as well.
Which makes him look like Tygra with rabies.
And the claws for tiger mode are gloves you have to store on your own. I thought we had moved past this.
Atleast the animal mode looks good. I wish I could say that about the next one...

At least he looks somewhat humanoid.
His bird form on the other hand...

In 'human' mode
and 'I really need a shave' mode.
And full on gorilla mood. Not that bad. But not good by means, as the hands are also gloves.
But the weird part is this fur thong he has to cover his red shorts.
And I don't remember him using a chain in the books... Or becoming a gorilla in the TV show. So it's inaccurate on both counts.

Ahh Cassie. The Ma-Ti/Scrappy Doo of the group.
And wearing her Animorphs branded overalls. Nice job keeping the secret.
And her creepy pupiless half morph head.
And wolf mode with hilariously huge claws, that are again seprete pieces you can't store on the figure.
At least the wolf was Cassie's main 'battle morph' in the books.

Rachel is a bit different because her mid-morph head is spring loaded and down by default.
So you have to push a button on the back to see her human head.
Oh, and once again, THE CLAWS ARE GLOVES! Sorry for yelling, but I really hat this aspect of the toys.
Now Rachel never got a lion morph in the books, but it was her main morph in the TV show.

Yeah, I've kind of run out of things to say about these. But just wait till next time. The rest of the toys in this line have to be seen to be believed.
Till then, I'm Dollar Ben and that's my two cents.

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