Monday, August 15, 2011

My stupid Super Hero figures 3: Infinite Stupidity On Infinite Earths

Well I'm back with new post on Monday like I said. What? I said Monday last time and it's Monday. Don't bother scrolling down and checking because I said Monday. Don't you believe me? I thought we had moved past that point in our relationship. It's OK, I forgive you. Just don't let it happen again. On with the article.
Arctic Attack Spider-Man
So once again, we have a superhero wearing coat over there costume and riding a snowboard. Made of web. You know what, the snowboard, I'm fine with that. It's an an efficient means of travel on snow. But why the coat? Why not an insulated costume?  I guess Aunt May told him to always dress in layers.

Captain America
Air Assault Glider
First off, I want to thank Mr. Moudama for the use of his stand once again. Now about the figure. I love how impractical this is. A jet-pack with missiles and machine guns strapped on it. How is he supposed to fire the guns anyway? Oh, but the best part?
The shield launcher on the back. Yes, Captain Americas one of a kind vibranium shield is to be launched willy-nilly while behind enemy lines. Hey, why don't we give Thor a rocket launcher he can shoot his hammer out of while we're at it? Wait, maybe they already did that...

Spinning Attack Captain America
Hey, remember that time Captain America put on electrified football equipment and started dual wielding shields with giant buzz-saws on them? Me nether.

Chainsaw Attack Batman
There are 2 distinct types of Batman. There is 'Normal Batman' who uses clever thinking and fundamental gadgets to stop his foes, and then there's 'Action Figure Batman' who goes to ludicrous extremes with the weirdest of weapons  and is not right in the head. Take this one for example.
Yes, the superhero who doesn't use guns and has a no kill policy seems to have no problem going around town with a giant chainsaw strapped to his arm. But if you think that's something, check this out...

Total Destruction Batman
I, I have no words. And yes, that is a sextuple missile launcher on his arm. Also, I thought the whole point of Batman was to avoid total destruction.

But the truly best part is that since these are form the 'Brave and the Bold Total Armor' toy line, you can mix and match the parts to create your own over the top ridicules figure.
Now for me, this is overkill. For 'Action Figure Batman,' this is Wednesday.

Well that's all for now. Till next time, I'm Dollar Ben and that's my two cents.

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