Saturday, March 31, 2012

My stupid Animorphs figures part 1

We all knew it would come to this. Quite possibly the worst execution of a toy line since The Boxcar Kids Nerf Guns. I give you:
First off, I am a huge Animorphs fan. I have every book. I have multiple copies of some books. And I have all seven different covers of Megamorphs number 2. (there was one for all six members of the team and with all of them together.)
I have a problem.
So there will be lots of references to the books in this post. If you want to know more about the series, I would recommend Poparenas Opinionated Animorphs Book Guide videos. He does a great job on them and points out a lot of things I missed when I read the books.
Now onto the toys.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Another year, another wish

All right. It's my birthday, I have a cake, Rocky isn't around, and I'm wearing shades.
Time to make a wish. Maybe I'll finally get that pony.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

My stupid Spider-Man figures

Well let's get back in the swing of things with an old favorite, dumb action figures! And it looks like Hasbro is in the middle of turning Spider-Man into the same type of crazy over the top lunatic as Action Figure Batman. Hasbro, I love ya, but...  please just think about the implications your toys may have. Please.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy New Valenbowlgroundmas Day!

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been posting. I could make a joke about doing a SOPA blackout and not getting the memo that it was over, but no. No excuses. I got lazy. Combine that with a small case of post holiday depression and Skyrim and you the perfect storm of no updates. But I'm back. And this includes Chicken Sketches (Boy that was a good idea. Start a second blog when I can't even keep this one on a regular schedule.). I'll have a 'REAL' new post by the end of the week.
Till then, from all of us
To all of you, I hope you had a great Christmas though now.
And remember, if your valentine see there shadow, it means six more weeks of football.
I think. I'm not sure how that works.
Till next time, I'm Dollar Ben, and I owe you about 48 cents.