Saturday, September 3, 2011

The mysterious cases of DVDs

Well I told you I would get something up by the weekend, and for once I'm on time. Since I'm still suffering from some writers block, I decided to challenge myself and make a post about the most boring subject I could think of. DVD cases! Now this should be fun.

First up, the default case. Nothing to say here. Simple, efficient, clean. Moving on.

I don't know what these are called. I will therefor call them the 'cardboard clasp' type of case.
There made of cardboard and have a plastic clasp on the right to hold it closed. Hence the name.
I don't care for them because they feel cheap and get damaged easily.

Here we have the 'starter box'. 
You get the first volume and a box big enough to hold the complete series.
I like it. They look really nice on your self. However...

When you have a longer series, it can get a little unwieldy. 

Now or my favorite type, thinpacks. 
Easy to store, easy to get the disc you want, and allows for some great art-design.
Now form the top to the bottem...

Digipaks. Uhg. Large, unwieldy and fragile. If one part brakes you have to replace to whole thing.
These are the worst!

No, I take it back. THESE are the worst! Over lapping discs! 
Who the crap thought this up?!
Costumers hate it but they still do it! Take a hint people!

Now a little variation on the slandered case. Not bad, when they don't overlap!

Now this is the weirdest case I have ever seen.
Disc one and three are on the top. 
How do you get to two and four?

You flip it open. Why? I have no idea.

Oh. Now this, this is the dumbest packaging I have ever seen.
When I first opened it up I thought:
"Hey, this is pretty cool. A little weird, but it has some great art and... Hang on..."
"Where are the discs?!"
It took me around five minetes to find them.
Do you want to know where they are?
In here! They are a pain to get out. I just said 'screw it' and replaced them with blank CDs 
Much easier to get to now. What do you think Ike?
Ike agrees.

Well that's all for now. Till next time remember, I'm Dollar Ben and that is my two cents.

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