Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fun for the whole family!

Hey everyone, let's go to the Laundromat!
It's the cool place to be!
Yeah, I have writers block. I'll try to have something new up by the weekend.

Monday, August 15, 2011

My stupid Super Hero figures 3: Infinite Stupidity On Infinite Earths

Well I'm back with new post on Monday like I said. What? I said Monday last time and it's Monday. Don't bother scrolling down and checking because I said Monday. Don't you believe me? I thought we had moved past that point in our relationship. It's OK, I forgive you. Just don't let it happen again. On with the article.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Meanwhile, in the Dollarcave

Yeah, a real new post will be up by Saturday. 
In the meantime, check out The Runaway Guys and Mega64
Please don't be mad at me for using your footage.